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Showing posts from December, 2010

Cheap Grails hosting

We can use Amazon EC2 micro instance (~615mb RAM) to run grails application with Tomcat and Mysql. If you need higher JVM memory, we can try to keep the memory footprint low by using memcached or ehcache. The price is nearly $5/month if you commit for a one year contract. Since November this year, this service is offered for free for the first year for new customers. If your server server load is higher, with more number of visitors/hits, your website must be in revenue generation mode and I'm sure it will pay for itself for additional server resources. Alternatively, you can run your Grails Application on Google AppEngine. There may be few constraints in terms using some of your favorite plugins. If you careful build the application keeping the constraints in mind, you may get away with almost free webhosting. ($0/month - provided usage is within the boundaries defined by GAE platform) Both Amazon and GAE, have billing mechanisms based on the bandwidth, data storage and few add-on...